Lasik Popular Way of Solving Eye Problem

What is obvious, however, is that Lasik technology is getting more and more advanced as time passes. After I Lasik is Z-Lasik. Z-Lasik is a perfection of Lasik technology that is highly safe and comfortable for the patient. And why is that?

All this time consumers have only been aware of knifeless Lasik or All Laser Lasik, such as intralase, femtech and I Lasik, but Z-Lasik is far more advanced. Its technology was invented by the Ziemer Group, a multinational Swiss company that has made its reputation in ophthalmology. It has a highly superior feature, namely its speed of 1000 Khz, which is much faster than the 60 Khz of I Lasik. Z-Lasik makes flaps or incisions on the cornea using a Femtosecond technology laser, which provides the highest level of safety.

Laser Femtosecond is an infrared ray that can make comparatively more accurate incisions at the lowest heat level. This is indeed a breakthrough for such a procedure. Laser Femtosecond operates in ultra short impulses of light and is able to make a hole or an incision as small 0.100 mm in just 0.25 trillion second.

When making the flap on the cornea is more accurate, automatically the Excimer Laser used to eradicate near or farsightedness or cylinder correction can be finer. This method gives the following benefits: 1) Reduces glare effect in night vision; 2) The cornea tissue undergoing the procedure is thinner; 3) Reduces aberration on the cornea and 4) Gives better vision and more comfort to the patient.

The energy produced by Z-Lasik is also lower by 1,000 times compared to I Lasik so that the heat produced on the eye is much lower. This prevents thermal or radiation disorder on the cornea where Excimer Laser is given. That is why Z-Lasik is much safer and much faster in visual recovery than I Lasik. It is not surprising, therefore, that many leading institutions, such as the US army, the US navy, the US air force, marine corps and NASA have approved of its use.

The good news is that you don’t have to go abroad to have this procedure done. When considering eye care centers in Indonesia, the Jakarta Eye Center (JEC) is one of the leading centers in the country. It is one of the most complete and sophisticated eye centers in Indonesia with a world-class reputation. Since its establishment in 1994, more than 110,000 patients have been treated at JEC. “JEC positions itself equal to such eye centers abroad,” said Dr. Donny V. Istiantoro, one of the eye surgeons at JEC.

JEC is a pioneer in the country and first used the Lasik procedure in Indonesia in 1997, seven years after it was first introduced to the world. Lasik technology has undergone revolutionary development since M Lasik (Microkeratome Lasik), which used a surgical blade, until the knifeless procedure applied at JEC in 2006 using I Lasik (Intra Lasik). Today, JEC uses Z-Lasik, which is the safest, most modern and most accurate procedure. “Now patients do not have to worry any more, because the Z-Lasik procedure has been perfected and takes only 10 minutes to complete. The result is more precise and recovery is faster,” said Donny.

Donny, who studied ophthalmology and graduated in Australia, added that JEC has operated on more than 17,000 patients and freed them from the need to wear spectacles and contact lens as well as those suffering from presbiopia (impaired vision due to old age). Perhaps it’s time you, too, left your spectacles or contact lenses behind. (Burhan Abe)

The Jakarta Post, August 26, 2009

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