Journey Through Java with Aman

Throughout their time at Amanjiwo, each guest will receive daily breakfast and one special Amanjiwo experience. Choose from a traditional Makan Malam degustation dinner served in the grand colonial restaurant, a private Aman picnic on the banks of the Progo river or enjoy sunset martinis overlooking dramatic vistas of the Menoreh Hills – an idyllic opportunity to reconnect with loved ones in this magical place.

The Journey Through Java is available on selected dates throughout 2023:

  • 20-22 January
  • 17 – 19 February
  • 17-19 March
  • 7-9 April
  • 21-23 April
  • 5-7 May
  • 19-21 May
  • 2-4 June
  • 30 June – 2 July
  • 14-16 July
  • 18 – 20 August
  • 29 September -1 October
  • 20 – 22 October
  • 24 – 26 November
  • 22-24 December

The journey includes a luxury return train journey from Jakarta Gambir to Yogyakarta Tugu station inclusive of breakfast, Iunch and afternoon tea and alcoholic beverages alongside a three-night stay at Amanjiwo with daily breakfast, private return transfers and one culinary experience included.

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